Then for years MHC thrived to be the highest-rated & most popular spy camera solution on Google Play for consecutive years, breaking all grounds with every new feature integrated to every new Android OS release, from Android 2.x to Android 15.x.
Until Google started playing rough and decided that we’re too good to be on Google Play. They pulled MHC off the shelves because of our extreme features like background shooting, hidden application & self-destruction, etc.
今天,我們回到了原點。在我們與Paypal合作的網站上託管MHC,Paypal是我們自己的許可平台的首選合作夥伴。世界各地的每天用戶都失去了從Google Play購買的間諜應用程序的投資。 Google通常會暫停此類應用程序,並且付費用戶將無法重新安裝它們。